What we do?
Unleash the potentiality of the poor.
Women are important to the family structure and play an important role in the economic and social development. Women run small business to cover daily livelihoods of families and as well contribute to national economy as taxpayers. However, women miss opportunities and access to additional investment to grow their businesses due to the lack government programs/incentives and scarcity micro financing institutions. WORDA works towards creating opportunities for women to be economically aware by connecting women to microfinance institutions and creating members owned saving solutions known as Self Help Groups (SHGs).
SHG consist of 15 to 20 members who and are in same socio-economic background and neighborhood which allows member to attend weekly meetings and mentorship capacity building sessions by the community facilitators (CFs) and assigned project officer.
We promote organizing communities to pool their financial resources to establish a community owned savings and credit system amongst the group. SHG is an effective tool for an Economic Development Model at the micro level to move out of poverty and build towards their families’ financial goals. SHG allows women to send their kids to school, grow businesses and save up for home ownership.
Since 2013 WORDA established and organized SHGs currently 65 SHGS in 6 cluster level associations are functional with a membership of 1,200 persons.